beautiful plant medicine for a changing world
the entire world is shifting
we are moving into a new paradigm
and the plants know the way
new messages & new medicines
long hidden, lovingly held
are ready to be revealed
in This Moment
the time is now to open our hearts
to the whispers & songs of the plants
and receive the keys & codes
for a new humanity
the time is now to embody the medicine
to become fully human
to become one & merge
with the petals, the seeds, the leaves, & the trees
Every mountain, river, rock, and tree
expectantly awaits your incarnation.
the world is not what it was
we are not who we were
there is no returning to the Time Before
but we can merge & blend & weave
What Was with What Will Be
with the plants as your guides
enter into the full expression of your divine humanity
be a part of the
Embodied Apprenticeship
connection, magic, beauty, & wonder are waiting for you
Touch the Earth. Sing with the Trees.
Embody the Medicine. Incarnate Now.
The Embodied Apprenticeship is an Invitation to:
listen to the water & trees
trust your inner knowing
explore personal rituals & ceremonies
grow & gather medicine
gather the wisdom of herbal elders
commune & communicate with the plants
experience the medicine of song
sink into the sacred space of your every day
let your heart lead
nourish connection
creatively collaborate with the plants
return to ancient ways of knowing
engage with the elementals
become a tree
find your medicine
return to fairy tales
expand into a fuller expression of YOU
Remember You are a Sacred Medicine Basket